masses of people|mass of people in English

commoners, general populace

Use "masses of people|mass of people" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "masses of people|mass of people" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "masses of people|mass of people", or refer to the context using the word "masses of people|mass of people" in the English Dictionary.

1. There were masses of people in town today.

2. A mass of people stood before the courthouse.

3. The bus station was a seething mass of people.

4. The mass of the people support the government's reforms.

5. We thrust our way through the mass of people.

6. What does Canaille mean? The common people; the masses

7. I struggled through the mass of people to the exit.

8. An amazing mass of people walked steadily and appeared untroubled.

9. The island is facing a mass exodus of its young people.

10. Under this comparatively small ruling group, the masses of the people go about their daily lives.

11. Not surprisingly, this first instance of mass production greatly improved the lot of the people.

12. The disk of Triangulum has an estimated mass of (3–6) × 109 solar masses, while the gas component is about 3.2 × 109 solar masses.

13. The country's economic future is seriously jeopardized by the mass emigration of young people.

14. Precision values of atomic masses are measured in a device called a mass spectroscope.

15. It is heavier than Earth with a minimum mass of about 3.7 Earth masses.

16. Kepler-10c was originally thought to have a mass of 15–19 Earth masses.

17. Great Awakening Crowds - the people came "en mass"

18. Observations of the rotational speed suggest a mass of about one trillion solar masses, about the same as the mass of the Milky Way.

19. The de-Churching of America is a modern phenomenon in which people are departing from the religion in masses

20. Dense mass of people, to recruit on the table Duicheng Hill curriculum vitae, job anxiety.

21. Theirs was a language for the mass of the people, aimed at keeping them happy.

22. You are safer with a mass of people in a place where there is plenty of light.

23. Note: The Bmi may not be accurate for people with greater muscle mass (such as athletes) or in older people and others who have lost muscle mass

24. Extra-Biblical sources show that the privileged classes contemptuously called the uneducated masses ʽam ha·ʼaʹrets, or “people of the land.”

25. Consilience is a place where people willingly swap their freedom for a life of mass surveillance